Alberta PCAP Council
Training & Events
The Alberta PCAP Council provides regular mandated and recommended training opportunities for PCAP staff.
monthly staff: Community of practice videoconference
A dedicated time for PCAP Supervisors and Mentors across Alberta to connect, share resources, and problem solve.
Refresher PCAP Training
Move through a series of online modules at your own pace covering the Core training at a refresher level. View the Support Guide for assistance.
PCAP Core Training
The Parent-Child Assistance Program (PCAP) Core Training is essential training to introduce new staff to the PCAP Model and provide strategies for challenges you may face in your role as a PCAP Mentor. Trainers deliver the content in an interactive and engaging way, providing stories from personal experience in PCAP and related programs. This training is appropriate for new frontline PCAP staff.
Penelope 101 Webinars
Past Events

2015 Annual General Meeting/Presenting Dr. Maté
Annual General Meeting, June 3, 2015, Fantasyland Hotel Presenting Dr. Gabor Maté, June 4, 2015, Fantasyland Hotel

2014 Annual General Meeting
This year’s theme was Connecting to Build Hope and Strength – We were joined by Elder Beatrice Morin from the Enoch Cree Nation. Elder Beatrice opened our event with a prayer before sharing a bit of her journey. Sarah Parkinson spoke next with some greetings from the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder – Cross-Ministry Committee (FASD-CMC).

Mentor Days 2014
Mentor Days started after a prayer from an Elder and welcome-lunch. Alberta PCAP Council co-chair, Tammi Crowley started our program with introductions and opening remarks. Then, special guest Dr. Dorothy Badry from the University of Alberta led the PCAP Mentors in a Fidelity Assessment Activity, where Mentors identified the strengths and weaknesses of PCAP services in their regions.